Node.js is gaining popularity because of its rich data exchange experience when multi-media, chat services and other high data demanding services like real time tracking are involved. TatvaSoft is a leading Node JS web development company with expertise in launching cloud based and server less applications. Building NodeJS applications that require asynchronous programming, scalability and high performance such as chatting, IoT data processing and collaboration tools is what we do best. We provide NodeJS development services to build highly scalable and real-time web apps, consistently delivering state-of-the-art solutions as per the business needs of our clients.

  • 1800+

    Completed Projects

  • 21+

    Years of Experience

  • 810+

    Global Customers

  • 36

    Countries Clients Served

    • microsoft-solution-partner
    • cmmi

Node js Development Services

Our highly skilled Node.js developers have a consistent track record of improving and scaling the business operations for customers across major industries

Node js api integration

Node.js API development and Integration

Right from the implementation of custom APIs using Node.js to ensure seamless integration with any solutions, we deliver real-time and data-intensive scalable solutions irrespective of the development environment.

application development

Serverless Node.js Microservices

Utilizing the right set of tools and industry best practices, we as a Node.js development company build robust applications thus providing on-demand real world applications with faster development and deployment.


Node.js consulting

We follow a precise development process for studying and analyzing the current client architecture, we leverage our Node.js software app development expertise to scale up, debug, advice and incorporate Node.js best practices.


Node.js Migration

Our Node.js developers have migrated many complex applications developed on different platforms to NodeJS and successfully improved scalability, various performance metrics, and customer experience.


Node.js Plugin development

With our extensive experience in creating a variety of world-class plugins and API integrations, we cater to a wide range of small and large sized business organizations for their application development and enhancement.


Dedicated Node.js Team

We have a dedicated team of Node.js developers who are highly skilled, creative and experienced in the technology, always available and enthusiastic to provide an extended arm and assist you on your project's evolving needs.

Node.js Development Case Studies

Our Node.js developers are skilled in building client-specific and efficient software solutions which are highly-scalable, data-intensive and real-time.


Smart City

Leveraging our technical capability to build a smart city application, our experienced developers have created an integrated system connecting multiple IoT based sensors to achieve a bird's eye view on all climatic parameters of the city. Our Node.js based solution helped the client to overcome roadblocks of inefficient management of lights, floods, air or energy within the state. Know how our tailored solutions have transformed the client's ecosystem.

view case study

EV Charging Stations App

With the increasing pollution around the globe, governments are advocating more usage of electric vehicles and thus it increases infrastructural needs of charging stations. TatvaSoft assisted United Kingdom-based electric vehicle charging station provider to develop a mobile application with Node.js backend for users to identify charging points, utilize them, and make payment online using our developed Software solution.

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Have a Node.js Development challenge to address?


Node.js Development Experience

As one of the experienced Node.js development companies, TatvaSoft has delivered some amazingly fast, scalable and flexible applications to our clients.


We, as a Node.js development service provider, build lightweight, high-performance and scalable apps for various businesses with the help of our Node.js web development team of experts.

  • Smart City Application with real time data and security features
  • Socket io and Web RTC based audio, Video and Text chat
  • Real time tracking, automation and booking for boats
  • Food ordering and Tracking app
  • eCommerce with drop shipping functionality
  • Chat boat applications
  • Integration with Amplify Framework on AWS
  • Content Management Application
  • Serverless Microservices based app Development
  • Dashboard and Analytics

Technology Stack

Core Libraries and FrameworksCore Libraries and Frameworks

  • Express.js
  • Nest.js


  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap

Database ORMDatabase ORM

  • Sequelize
  • Mongoose
  • TypeORM


  • PostGreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Firebase


  • Memcached
  • Redis
  • Node Cache Manager

Web ServerWeb Server

  • Nginx
  • Apache


  • Microservices
  • Monolithic
  • Serverless

Cloud & DevOpsCloud & DevOps

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes


  • Code Pipeline
  • Jenkins
  • CircleCI


  • GraphQL

QA and TestingQA and Testing

  • SuperTest
  • Jest

Project Management ToolsProject Management Tools

  • Github
  • BitBucket
  • Code Commit

Other Libraries and ToolsOther Libraries and Tools

  • Puppeteer
  • node cron
  • Lodash
  • Nodemailer
  • Winston
  • Moment
  • Axios
  • JWT

Delivering the Right Solution

We excel in delivering the best solution as per the custom needs, be it small start-ups in their ideation phase or mid-size businesses focusing on growth or large enterprises actively optimizing processes across varied industries.

Why TatvaSoft?


Flexible Engagement Model

We provide flexible engagement models using our skills for all types of software development projects assuring on-time delivery and agility.


Consistent Delivery

We combine our efforts with an agile methodology and iterative approach to ensure timely deliveries despite tight deadlines, rework, and reschedules.


On-Scale Demand

We employ software engineers into different projects and assignments as per the need. Let your unique business demand meet our multi-skilled specialists!


Advantageous Experience

With a multitude of projects handled and solutions catered to various industries, we have demonstrated excellent business results due to our domain expertise.


Business-Friendly Hiring Models

Take business to next level by hiring our expert Node.js developers on monthly or fixed-priced models

Dedicated Team

Hire Node.js Team

  • Requirement discussion and team proposition
  • Evaluation and team finalization
  • Dedicated developers hiring and engagement

Project Development

  • Agile and Lean software development
  • Project milestones & bi-weekly sprint designs
  • Iterative development and feedback

Project Delivery

  • Cloud and DevOps integration
  • Manual / Automated testing
  • Reliable and Flexible delivery

Fixed Price Model

Project Requirements

  • Requirement gathering and gap analysis
  • Time and cost estimation
  • Project agreement signing

Project Development

  • Agile and Lean software development
  • Project milestones & bi-weekly sprint designs
  • Iterative development and feedback

Project Delivery

  • Cloud and DevOps integration
  • Manual / Automated testing
  • Reliable and Flexible delivery

Hire a dedicated team of Node.js Developers

Get access to specialized set of skilled resources for your unique requirements on Node.js projects

Flawless Design

Enrich your digital experience with top-notch designs and innovative practices

Design Tools

Effective Code

Employ suitable framework and code effectively to individual business needs

Code Tools

Seamless Communication

Hassle-free Communicate with our developers for daily status and update

Communication Tools

Node.js Development FAQs

  • What is Node.js?

    Running on Google's V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js is an open source, cross platform JavaScript runtime environment for web application development. Compared to conventional languages where server side & client side languages vary, Node.js needs a single JavaScript or the same programming language for both ends.

  • What kind of applications have you built using Node.js?

    Node.js is most suitable for web and mobile apps which require heavy event driven I/O operations. Internet of Things, Real time collaboration tools or web apps, video and text chat, streaming applications and single page responsive apps are some of the examples which can take advantage of Node.js. When combined with Nodejs best practices in development, Node.js is a good fit for developing apps that require event-based servers.

  • In what kind of applications Node.js should be used?

    Node.js is most suitable for web and mobile applications which require heavy event driven I/O operations. Internet of Things, Real time web tools, video and text chat, streaming applications and single page responsive apps are some of the examples which can take advantage of Node.js. Node.js development is a good fit for developing apps that require event-based servers.

  • Are apps built on Node.js frameworks faster than the apps built on competitive frameworks?

    Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that can be used by developers in many ways. The answer to the question depends upon the type of app one is building using the Node.js. Node.js is best suitable to develop backend APIs for real time chat apps, single page applications, social media apps, video streaming apps, remote collaboration tools, payment service tools, and many others. In these kind of applications, Node.js performs faster and efficient compared to other competitive frameworks because of the following reasons:

    • Node.js is a single threaded and works on event loop.
    • Node.js uses the V8 engine of chrome which is efficient and much optimized.
    • Node.js offers you to reuse Node.js packages that are stored in their libraries and share it with others.
    • Developer will easily be able to manage numerous projects in real-time.
    • It has a proxy server which is an ideal fit for streaming data from multiple sources.
    • Video streaming is also very smooth with Node.js. This reduces any performance glitch, development time and ultimately enhances customization.
  • What are the benefits of outsourcing Node.js development?

    Some of the most obvious benefits of outsourcing NodeJs development are

    • The development cost is lowered as compared to the in house development
    • Collaborate with seasoned and highly talented developers
    • High-quality services
    • Liberty of selecting the best-suited technologies
    • Ramp up and Ramp down as and when required
  • Which code quality practices do you follow while developing an application?

    Quality of an application is an irreplaceable aspect when you are planning to develop an application. In order to ensure higher quality results, we need to follow some proven quality measures like

    • Splitting up codes into shorter units
    • Create clear and descriptive names for code variables
    • Write comments for specific code procedures and functions(whenever needed)
    • Documenting code lines and its dependent aspects in a README doc format.
    • Create an easily integrable and compatible code
    • Do periodic Unit testing
    • Use version control, framework APIs and all necessary third-party library functions
    • Ensure to use linting tools like ESLint and SonarQube
  • How much does it cost to develop a project using Node.js?

    The development of the Node.js Project depends upon the requirements of the client. Depending on the scope of the project, technology, resources and other factors, the development cost is estimated. Write to us at [email protected] to discuss your business idea.

  • Do you sign an NDA?

    Yes, we do sign a Non disclosure agreement that gives an assurance among both the parties that whatever data has been shared is completely secure and confidential. This contract is signed before the project initialization keeping in mind all the necessary norms.

  • Which companies are using Node.js for web development?

    Unique asynchronous programming enables high performance of web applications and Companies like Netflix, Trello, Paypal, Walmart, Uber, Groupon, Ebay, Nasa, SAP, IBM, Voxer, Twitter achieve such high performance with the help of Nodejs web development process.

  • What are the advantages of Node.js?

    There are a plethora of business benefits you can expect when you use Node.js for your enterprise applications. Some of the most pertinent benefits includes

    • Node.js is backed up by tens of thousands of concurrent users using its event-driven single thread I/O architecture.
    • It offers a high level of scalability across platforms and other distributed devices.
    • Here JavaScript is used for backend as well as front-end development and so it becomes easy to develop and deploy.
    • Leading software development companies offer custom Node.js development services with access to several unexplored libraries and templates that makes the development faster and the developed app high-performing.
  • What are the limitations of Node.js?

    On the flip side, Node.js has certain restrictions. Some of the major ones include the following

    • We know for a fact that Node.js is based on Single-thread application so handling multiple requests at once can complicate the whole process.
    • Also, you are unable to take advantage of multi-core CPUs as none can work simultaneously.
    • There is also a backward compatibility issue among APIs where you lack in getting strong library support and management.
  • Should I migrate my existing app to Node.js?

    If scalability is your application's priority then Node.js is the right choice. Based on asynchronous architecture, Node.js is infinitely scalable.

  • Which database do you use for Node.js application?

    As a Node js development company, we use databases like PostgreSQL, Mysql, MongoDB, Cassandra, Dynamo etc. It all depends on requirements and budget. Based on the requirements, our node.js consultants can suggest the right fit.

Global Presence

As a Node.js development company, TatvaSoft has marked its global presence with offices in five countries, including US, UK, Canada, Australia and India, with a skilled team specializing in different tech stacks.

We are tapping into the power of the digital world, creating high impact solutions to boost business efficiency. TatvaSoft as a Custom Software Development Company is committed to provide End-to End Customized Solutions to our global customers and tackle the technology problems faced by businesses.

Global Presence Image