Vue JS has been gaining a lot of popularity, owing to the ease of development with which it can be learnt. You as a business can create multiple applications. Vue works equally well for all types of needs. Like whether you are an experienced developer wanting to convert your inhouse apps to Vue or a beginner who is not sure of which tools to use. Thus Vue allows you to create amazing apps rapidly without putting much effort into the developing process. Every business has a predefined mindset where companies want a specific business practice to be followed. Thus, in this blog, we have tried to showcase all the possible Vue best practices. Vue.js is popular and has demonstrated use cases which shows how this framework will perform.
1. Introducing Vue.js
Since its inception in 2013, Vue.js has been gaining popularity like none other technology. According to the 2020 Developers Survey, Vue was one of the most popular frameworks. with more and more developers jumping in this lucrative field and the existing developers are found sharpening their axe.
In 2014, Evan (former employee of Google) created a lightweight design framework named Vue.js. Vue js has 292 contributors on Github (a place where developers collaborate while developing software), making it a popular and reliable Tech stake in the eyes of front-end developers.
It is used to build simple projects as well as sophisticated mobile apps and websites. If you ask me one-liner about vue.js, the javascript framework is meant to enhance the view layer by offering a plethora of functionalities. Also, this is used to build single-page web applications.
2. Why use Vue.js for your Next Web Development Project?
Not so long ago, brands and developers were mesmerized by different emerging technologies. Mainly introduced to give a one-stop-shop experience to its end-user but unfortunately, they failed almost all the time.
You see after this it was realized that they were missing a core element, i.e, app design. Often UI/UX design is overlooked while building apps which shouldn’t be the case here. Now, coming back to the present, almost every business wants to showcase their creative work by creating an intuitive UI design for their personalized website.
Further below we would like to mention certain advantages of using Vue.js for your upcoming web development project.
2.1 Small App Size
The first and foremost reason to use Vue.js for their application needs is that it is of 18-21Kb in size. However, despite being a small size, Vue surprisingly offers high speed.
Whether it’s for both small or large-scale app projects, Vue turns out to be a perfect choice.
2.2 Easy to Understand and code
The framework is easy to understand. This means adding Vue.Js to the existing web project is no big deal when compared to other frameworks.
Vue.js features a well-defined architecture. This is precisely useful when you believe in storing data via using custom methods. Also, not to mention that here you are bound to receive some intimidating features such as watchers, directives, and computed properties. App development thoroughly becomes a cakewalk. Another benefit of the Vue.Js framework is that building small and large-scale web applications or any software in the least amount of time is possible.
2.3 Higher Performance
When speaking about Vue.js, high performance can be expected. By using virtual DOM, developers can keep a hawk-eye in case of any mishaps or shortcomings. Not to mention that it also becomes manageable to maintain a high frame rate. As a result, you receive better performance in comparison to React or Angular. Moreover, you can optimize Vue’s performance to a great extent. By using features like:
- Lazy loading
- Splitting the code
- Prefetch components
- Optimizing images
2.4 Detailed Documentation & Vast Community
Vue.js owns an enormous progressive active community. A complete guide and newbies can get back to it in the least time possible. The learning curve of Vue.Js is comparatively very convenient. All one requires is basic knowledge of HTML and Javascript.
2.5 Two-way Communication
Generally speaking, communication is said to be effective when it’s two-ways! And similarly using Vue.js as your core tech enables you to establish successful two-way communication. Have you ever wondered why it has become possible? This is due to the MVVM architecture. In this way, Vue.Js is very similar to Angular.Js, handling HTML blocks is no longer a headache.
By using Vue.js, two-way data binding turns out to be pretty straightforward. In simple words, if any changes are made will be passed to the data, and the data will be in the UI.
why Vue.Js is considered reactive because it has the potential to react. React in regards to all the kinds of changes made to the data or site.
3. Top Companies using Vue.js
Since we have already covered why choose Vue.js to conduct web development or why do businesses these days emphasize showcasing their creative work by using Vue. It’s time to unveil some of the top companies considering Vue.js as their key weapon in their arsenal.
From gaming companies to social media platforms, Vue.js is being spoken about everywhere.
Here’s the list of websites and companies using Vue JS
3.1 Facebook
Facebook is one such reputable company that uses Vue.js as a part of its NewsFeed. And over all these years, it has proved that the js framework is more mature enough to be implemented for such a use case. Imagine one of the biggest platforms on the market putting their trust in Vue for their services.
3.2 Netflix
The successful movie streamlining platform was built using Vuejs, no two ways about it! What makes this platform a cut above are its movie swipers and its smooth fluidness. And do you know which is the best part, these swipers can be implemented in any Vue application without much hassle.
3.3 Nintendo
It is a well-known fact among the Vue community that is pretty much in talks among the Asian countries, especially India, Japan, Philippines. Creators of Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Donkey Kong chose Vue for different parts of their online presence. They use Vue.js for some of their regional websites in Europe.
Also, don’t forget to find information on their reward system, My Nintendo? If you are a Nintendo pro, you should definitely check it out! And by the way, the Nintendo website was also created using Vue.
3.4 Adobe
Well, Adobe created a product named portfolio. You know what the platform does, it enables its end users to build a personalized-looking website in a quick span of time. The adobe company uses Vue.js to ensure exceptional user experience and performance. Behance (owned by Adobe) is a platform for showcasing creative work of all kinds also uses Vue js.
3.5 Alibaba
Another impressive name worth taking into account is Alibaba, a public company from China. It aims to deliver an excellent experience. Alibaba has a unique track of building applications using Vue. As we all know, Alibaba is a popular public company from China owned by Jack Ma. They have been offering excellent user-friendly experiences for their customers using Vue as their main element for development. It assures scalability, reliability and performance. The company has been extremely satisfied with the type of functionalities that it offers and the customer satisfaction is real.
3.6 BMW
Imagine here the list comprises a premium automobile (manufacturing Luxury vehicles and motorcycles) company. BMW uses Vue.js in the Car Configurator. What exactly this is, you get the power to ride your dream car. Everything is according to you, from color options to upholstery, etc. It is an excellent example of what Vue.js is capable of doing, as it can help you visualize your car the way you want it to be in V.R.
3.7 EuroNews
Euro News is not a website, it’s a channel that aims to cover the news all across Europe. Of course, you will find their headquarters located in Lyon, France, EuroNews was developed using Vue.js. Not many of you know Euronews, as a multilingual news channel service provider that is based in France. It is also one of the finest companies to use Vue.js technology. Euronews has specified that they have Vue.js for their digital products and their developers behind the apps aren’t revealing any specifics about their implementation.
3.8 WizzAir
The budget Airline is said to have used Vue.js in building the fantastic user interface in its apps. The Airline uses Vue.JS on some parts of their flight search to ensure lightweight design and quick flight checks.
3.9 Upwork
We are sure that everyone knows what upwork is. And those who don’t know Upwork is a freelancing website. A platform where you can easily conduct business.
Having provided the highest quality to their users as their core objective, the company decided to use Vue for the important elements of their platform, such as the overview of freelancers.
3.10 Grammarly
Grammarly offers a signature user interface – all thanks to Vue. This makes the website simultaneously simple and aesthetically pleasing. Grammarly help you in writing better english. It scans text and searches for misspells, punctuation errors and much more.
4. Conclusion
We have seen an enormous number of websites and web apps worldwide that use Vue.js today, that includes Facebook, Netflix, and Google. Now it’s safe to assume that the framework has achieved a certain goal in some way. Vue.js has been a very simple, lightweight, and progressive framework that aims only to improve the development experience through its intuitiveness and simplicity. Now you have a list of use cases explaining why Vue.js should be one of your focused technologies in the tech stack, its time to change the game then.
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